
The UGPN Annual Conference 2022

The UGPN Annual Conference 2022

The University Global Partnership Network is pleased to announce the 2022 Annual Conference: 14-24 March 2022 (GMT)

Our annual conference brings together delegates from UGPN member institutions to promote and facilitate innovative collaborations in research and education. The event provides an opportunity to hear from senior academic and professional service staff on salient topics in Higher Education as well as key research areas for the network. This year the UGPN Executive invite participants to reflect on how UGPN partnerships can make a difference to sustainability in research and education.

The conference will kick off with an exciting line-up of keynote speakers and panel sessions to introduce attendees to cutting-edge research and sector innovations. There will then be opportunities to attend networking sessions across a range of special interest groups, as well as workshops to offer a deeper dive into select research and sector innovation topics:


  • Energy Futures
  • Urban Resilience
  • Global Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH)
  • Sustainable and Inclusive Approaches to Battle Health Inequalities


HE Sector Innovation

  • Embedding Sustainability into Curriculum Design and Delivery
  • University operationalisation of Sustainability: Best Practice


Special Interest Groups

  • Student and Staff Mobility
  • Collaborative Education
  • Women in STEM


This year’s conference will take place online, with live plenary and workshop sessions running over two weeks starting Monday 14 March, 9pm (GMT)*.

Registration is now open to all UGPN member staff and students.

Visit the conference website for more details and register here.

* Local times:
Raleigh (USA): 5-6pm
São Paulo (Brazil): 6-7pm
Surrey (UK): 9-10pm
Wollongong (Australia): +1day 8-9am