
University of São Paulo Hosts 2023 UGPN Annual Conference

University of São Paulo Hosts 2023 UGPN Annual Conference

The University Global Partnership Network is pleased to announce the 2023 Annual Conference will take place from 29-31 May (GMT) and will be hosted by University of São Paulo at their main campus in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The annual conference brings together delegates from UGPN member institutions to promote and facilitate innovative collaborations in research and education.

Professor Bailian Li, Special Advisor to the Provost for Global Partnerships at NC State and current Chair of UGPN Executive Committee:

“Following two years of online interactions we are looking forward to the return to in-person engagement, which will provide welcome opportunities for academics and professional staff to connect and deepen relationships across the UGPN partner network. The conference is a key moment in the UGPN’s 12 years history to reflect on our new mission, celebrate successes as well as planning for the year ahead.”


This year the UGPN Executive invite participants to reflect on the civic role of the university, under the theme: ‘Universities as anchor institutions: local solutions, global impact’. Alongside this, the conference will support academic research aligning to the Sustainable Development Goals under the following subthemes:

1. Smart Cities / Digital Society

2. Tackling Social and Health Vulnerability

3. Global Security Challenges

Professor Sergio Proença, Provost for International Cooperation, said:

“University of São Paulo welcomes the opportunities presented by this network to enable academics and students from top global universities to collaborate on issues of global importance. We are delighted to be hosting the UGPN Annual Conference in 2023, and look forward to facilitating new opportunities for students, staff and researchers to expand their views towards a global and connected society.”


There will be a mix of plenary sessions each morning on topical themes as well as opportunities to hear from the conference hosts about international engagement at University of São Paulo. Afternoons will be reserved for academic workshops with the aim to bring together researchers and education practitioners around mutual areas of interest.

Opportunities to get involved with UGPN

In 2022/23 there are several structured opportunities to engage with the network.

Speak to your institutional coordinator for more details or to express your interest in contributing. They will also be happy to facilitate introductions for those looking to broaden their contacts across the network.

Research Collaboration Fund Annual Call

The RCF supports international activities leading to high quality research collaborations between researchers at UGPN partner institutions. Match-funding of up to $10,000 (USD) per participating partner is awarded for travel, subsistence, consumables related to the project and the dissemination of results.

Applications will open in March 2023 and call guidelines will be published to the Members area of the UGPN website in early 2023.

UGPN Webinar Series

New for 2022/23, UGPN will be offering a series of four online webinars for academics each of which will relate to one of the three conference subthemes. This format builds on the successes of the 2022 online conference format to facilitate new academic, staff and student connections across the network.

Conference Attendance

Each partner will be invited to send a select delegation of academics and professional staff to attend the conference alongside members of the UGPN Executive Committee.

UGPN Academy

UGPN Academy is a Collaborative Online International Learning programme first established in 2020 and now entering its third cohort of students. The programme aims to connect students to grow cross-global collaborations that address pressing issues facing the world. It involves students from all four UGPN partner universities and offers students an immersive experience to explore a topic related to the Sustainable Development Goals with a community of students across the network.

“The UGPN Academy welcomes students from all disciplines and subject backgrounds. The academy provides a great way for students to develop their international experiences and CVs.” Associate Professor Alex Seal, University of Surrey.

If you are interested in setting up your own subject-specific UGPN Academy, Alex Seal would be happy to be contacted for advice and guidance.